Jamestrong is committed to strengthening the communities where we live and work. One way to do this is to join local community groups that are working to enhance the areas near our plants. Recently we have increased our engagement with the communities adjacent to our Taree and Milperra plants and we have joined Team Taree and the Canterbury Bankstown Chamber of Commerce (CBCC).
Team Taree aims to showcase the benefits of living and working Taree and this is promoted via the Love Taree website: https://lovetaree.com.au/
Likewise the CBCC connects local businesses and supports business growth in the Canterbury Bankstown region and beyond. Recently Jamestrong representatives were able to share their insights and ideas about the future of manufacturing to an online forum hosted by CBCC that included influential business leaders and local politicians. Several of those ideas have been included in the Commonwealth’s Modern Manufacturing Strategy. Jamestrong will pursue further such opportunities to share our thinking and grow our reputation.
Engagement with these communities has also included tours of our sites by representatives of the local councils, other groups and MPs from the Federal and NSW Parliaments.